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Destiny 2 Boost & Carry Services

Want to excel in Destiny 2 but lack time? Learn how Destiny 2 boosting can help you acquire exotic weapons and complete quests, dungeons, and raids. Our article explains it all.

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Overcome Destiny 2 Challenges with Expert Boosting
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Overcome Destiny 2 Challenges with Expert Boosting

Feeling stuck in Destiny 2? Our professional boosters can carry you through raids, dungeons, and more. Elevate your gameplay without the grind. Secure exotic weapons and achieve your desired rank today.

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Destiny 2 Boosting

Do you want to be the best at Destiny 2? This takes effort and time, which not everyone has. But this doesn’t mean your fate is to be a game’s outsider.

Boosting Destiny 2 takes this tag off you. It can get you any exotic weapon and complete any quest, dungeon, raid, or farm currency. But how exactly can a third person get you all of that? You’ll know it by reading this informational article.

What is Destiny 2 Boosting

Destiny 2 boosts are online services that help you progress through the game. They achieve it by handing your account to the D2 pro, who’ll quickly complete most of your tasks. 

The price of the boost and its completion time depend on the order’s difficulty. But if it’s too time-consuming, you can adjust a booster’s schedule. He’ll access the game online when you are AFK.

Destiny 2 Boosting Services

Boosters can complete any kind of D2 content for you. Currently, their services list includes:

  • Raids. Pros will carry you through raids, where you get all the loot;
  • Dungeons. Do you need to get dungeon items? This boost will carry you through them, granting you all loot;
  • Season of the Deep. Hire boosters to get anything from the second Lightfall season;
  • Trials of Orsis and PvP. Get a boosting service to win any number of games in severe PvP modes, including infamous Trials;
  • Lightfall. Lightfall expansion hides a ton of effective items behind heavy grinding. Boosters can complete it;
  • Exotic items. Turn around your build with a huge item improvement. Get any piece the quickest with boost;
  • Legendary weapons. Legendary weapons are the best D2 arsenal. But grinding some can take a hell of a time and effort. Deprive yourself of that. Hire boosters and get straight to weapon’s exploitation;
  • Bundles. Purchase service bundles: weapon, weekly activity, and raid packs;
  • Seals and Triumph. Do you need some D2 currency? Boosters can get you any amount in the shortest terms;
  • Leveling. Pinnacle D2 content is the most enjoyable. But to reach it, you must level first. D2 carry services will do it for you;
  • Witch Queen. The latest expansion, Witch Queen, has much content to complete. This is farming new exotics and completing raids and dungeons. Let pros do these boring grinds.

If you are a Destiny 2 player, the chances are you’ve been planning some of the abovementioned things. And we don’t know the reason you didn’t complete them. But now you can fix that. Open our Destiny 2 section, pick any boosting site you like, and buy any desired service. Join the top of the D2 community.

How Can a Game Booster Service Help You

Do you have any D2 plans that you struggle to fulfill? Then Destiny 2 booster can help. Pro players will take control of your account and, with a jeweler’s precision, accomplish anything for you.

A profound game knowledge allows them to complete any task with ease. This facilitates fast delivery and professional communication.

What’s also cool, D2 boosting orders give you additional items. For instance, if you purchase a quest line completion, you’ll also get all the items dropped alongside. This also includes weapon and character experience.

When Do You Need a Destiny 2 Boost?

In the perfect scenario, boost is irrelevant. But we are all humans with different lives and traits. And sometimes, we can’t get what we want ourselves, even in games.

Most often, Destiny 2 boosts are ordered by mature players with insufficient time. They have families to feed and jobs to complete. Boosting is their perfect solution.

The second category is unknowledgeable clients. These folks want new items and progress but don’t want to learn how to get it. And that’s totally understandable. Some Destiny 2 quests require lots of learning and figuring out. Boosting helps avoid it.

And the final group of boosters’ clients is those who avoid team gameplay. So they don’t like completing raids, dungeons, and PvP. But these are essential for progress. Therefore, they have no choice but to order a D2 boost.

If you fall under any of these, just know you are not alone. Hundreds of players like you appeal to boosters and are left 100% satisfied. This will prove as you read on.

How is Destiny 2 Carry Service Work

Destiny 2 boosting works straightforward. First, pick one of our reviewed boosting sites. In the next paragraph, we’ll present several good options.

When at the booster’s domain, proceed to the D2 section and pick a desired service type. On the ordering page, you can check the price and completion time, adjust the extras, and read about the service.

Some sites even let you contact the manager before an order. What a great decision to raise the response.

Once you are ready to buy, select the server and press “Buy Now.” You can pay with Visa/MasterCard, Skrill, Neteller, Bitcoin, and other tools.

After managers see your cash, they will contact you to pick a proper booster, and clarify the service schedule and competition time. If you are ordering a piloted boost, you must also specify your account details. 

Soon, the booster will get onto your order. During the completion, you can always contact him with any order-related questions. When the process is over, you’ll get a notification and report. Now, change your password (if the order was piloted) and enjoy the reward.

Best Destiny 2 Carry Services

As we promised, we got a few Destiny 2 carries sites for you. Here are short reviews of 3 prominent D2 boosting platforms, revealing their main features. Their legitimacy is proven through their countless Trustpilot reviews. 

And an exclusive offer. Use a “BOOSTERS” promo code when ordering from the upcoming sites. This will give you 10% off any service.


We are kicking off this list with the most diverse boosting site: SkyCoach. Its Destiny 2 services cover most in-game activities. SkyCoach boosters can farm items, levels, quests, currency, etc.

And all this comes at a competitive price and solid guarantees. If the site cannot complete your order, you’ll get a full refund. But that rarely happens.

What’s also cool about SkyCoach is its choice of order extras. It offers a selfplay option and different speed priorities. If your account isn’t appropriate to buy Destiny 2 boosting, you may even pay for the preparations.

Uniquely, SkyCoach has consultants working with those who haven’t ordered yet. They can answer any of your questions and lead you to purchase. In fact, any communication with SkyCoach employees feels great. The entire team of boosters and managers is friendly and user-oriented.


Being 7 years in the boosting industry, LFCarry has taught itself to deliver its services quickly. It is especially true if we talk about Destiny 2.

In addition to impressive speed, the site has many cheap Destiny 2 carry services. They include completing Root of Nightmares Raid for $14, boosting PvP ranks for $10 per division, and many exotic weapons priced based on their rarity.

We also like how LFCarry explains what you get from an order. Alongside a text description, the site shows intuitive icons representing your future loot. This can be handy for new players who haven’t learned all the names yet. Or for the ones who are confused with them.

But the coolest part about LFCarry is its pay split. If you order a big service, you don’t have to pay the entire price immediately. You can divide it into two portions. You have to pay the first part before the booster engages and the second after half of the service is done.


Finally, let’s look at KBoosting: a platform with some D2 services unavailable at the other two sites. However, it has many similarities with them.

For instance, KBoosting has an essential array of D2 services, including raid, dungeon, and PvP boosts. But besides those, it lets you buy game accounts. There are 4 of your choice:

  • High-end – 3 characters with 1815 light level; over 40 exotic weapons; GotD weapons;
  • Top-tier – 3 characters; 1810 Lightfall weapons; over 40 exotic weapons;
  • Mid-tier – 3 characters with 1810 light level; over 30 exotic weapons with Ex-Diris;
  • Budget – 1 character with 1810 light level; RoN raid weapons; Lightfall exotics.

But if you are still interested in default Destiny 2 PC boosting services, KBoosting slices their prices off. Look for the discounted offers in the “Sales” tab. And these stack with a promo code discount we’ve mentioned previously.

Differences Between Boost, Carries, and Recovery

You could notice from this page that boosting services go under different names. The most obvious is boost. This term stands for enhancing account rank and reputation in PvE or PvP. The most apparent Destiny 2 boost service is PvP rank progress. 

Now, to the carries. To be carried means that someone helps you progress through PvP or PvE continent but not for the rank. For example, dungeon, raid, or quest boost are classic carry services. But importantly, during a carry, you play yourself in a group.

But if you let the booster pilot your profile, that’s the recovery. Like a default carry, the recovery term applies to going through PvP or PvE non-rank-oriented content. 

How Boosters.gg Evaluates the Boosting Sites for Destiny 2

Our today’s mission was to provide you with the best D2 boosters. Based on our experience, we’ve tested all presented boosting sites with specific criteria. These include:

  • Safety. We ensure all the boosters we recommend prioritize your security. They have to implement VPN and encryptions to keep you at maximum protection from penalties;
  • Communication. Boosting is all about being in contact and knowing the state of your order. We facilitate you that, ensuring sites are user-oriented and in constant reach;
  • Completion speed. Nobody likes to wait too long for order delivery. And you won’t either. All the sites we provide are lightning-fast;
  • Range of carry D2. It is essential to know the site has enough services before claiming it “The Best D2 Boosting Platform.” So we dive into each and examine their Destiny 2 sections. If the site misses any boosts from our “Destiny 2 Boosting Services” paragraph, we won’t recommend it.

As a final step, we check boosters’ Trustpilot reviews. If we spot many negative attitudes, it would trigger us to double-check the site. Most often, these are out. So all of our presented sites have 90%+ of 5-star reviews. 

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Hello, dear readers! My name is Twist, and I am the author of the site boosters.gg, here you will find reviews of various services for boost your favorite game characters and in general a lot of useful things. My goal is to share with you my experience and advice on how to achieve the desired in this or that game. Thank you for your attention!